July 2007 Archives

July Cruise - July 2nd, Boothbay Harbor, ME

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At 3:40am we were at 10 Mile Ledge, where the quick red is NOT lit!!

Hints of sunrise in the early morning sky!
Pretty scene on the way into Boothbay

By 6:30am we were tied up at the fuel dock of Carousel Marina.

They gave us a spot on C-dock, we freshened up in the immaculate bathrooms, put on our tourist costumes, and set out to explore and find a breakfast spot. So where do you eat breakfast in Boothbay? Mama D's of course! After a stroll through town, and some necessary purchases (postcards, playing cards, refrigerator magnets, and one more bird book), we headed back to Carousel for a well-deserved nap.

The plan is for lobster dinner ashore. We headed out again for a nice walk down to the Boothbay Lobster Wharf, for a down-east lobster boil on their open deck.

You don't want to lose your dinner to these scoundrels!

We enjoyed our wonderful lobster feast, along with an unexpected rain shower, and the most beautiful rainbow afterwards!

The rest of the evening was spent playing candlepins at Romar's, where Norm beat the pants off me, and then we had the required celebratory ice cream, before walking back to Carousel. Exhausted, we were asleep before our heads hit the pillows!
Averisera on the floating dock at Sandy Bay Yacht Club, across from Secret Treasure, a Beneteau First 345, out of Marblehead.

Back up the mast this morning after breakfast, to repair the broken windex. The 3-part block and fall worked well, with Norm hauling and Anthony, our neighbor, tailing. Up first to remove the windex, and take some pictures of the running backstay attachments to the mast. Down with the broken windex, to repair it on deck. Back up the mast to replace the windex with the repaired/refurbished windex. This one has a spike to discourage seagulls from landing on it! A good thing.

Down from the top, waiting for the circulation to start up in my legs again!

We used one of the dinghy's that Sandy Bay Yacht Club provides, to row around Averisera and give her a good scrub. Peter of Secret Treasure helped.

Playing in the dinghies

Rockport Harbor taken from SBYC deck

At noon, we left for parts unknown. The wind appeared to be coming from the North, so even though our original plan was to head to Maine, we had a contingency plan to head to Nantucket. Sailors are dependent on the wind for power, so we don't abuse it. After some attempts to fly the spinnaker and head south, it seemed that the wind was going to settle on a new direction, namely South. By mid-afternoon the kite was stripped, the jib was set and a nice northwesterly filled in for a beam reach at 6kts. What destination is approx 18 hrs away? Hmmm. Boothbay Harbor. Let's go!

We sailed through the evening, replenishing ourselves on lentil soup from the pressure cooker. At 10ish, Norm went below for a well-deserved nap. I got to watch the fireworks in the distance over Portland, in the clear, chilly night.

Why do we sail at night?

July Cruise - June 30th, departure

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First things first. I have to go up the mast to see about our windex, which apparently got squashed by a seagull enjoying the view up there.

Up I go in the harness we have, which is not too bad, as long as you don't overstay. Which translates to about 20 minutes. Then the blood circulation gets cut off in your legs.

It appears that both tabs are bent and need replacing. We do have a new windex, complete with new tabs, adhesive, and all the rest of the parts. It doesn't quite match the one on our mast, which has a side mount. The new one has a top mount. So I'm trying to figure out what parts can be reused, and which ones need replacing. I was able to at least straighten the vane so it is upright. I come down to reassess the new vane and come up with a plan. So long as the windex is functional, although bent, we are ok to proceed with our float plan. So we throw the dock lines off at 10:45am.

On the way out, we see some of our racing competitors, also heading out of the harbor for a cruise.
Dei Gratia


July Cruise Results

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Saturday, July 1st: Rockport MA and the Sandy Bay Yacht Club for a little cocktail party were we met some old friends and made new ones. Sunday at the pontoon doing a few chores and enjoying our neighbors (parents and two young kids... very nice) aboard their Beneteau Frst 345. Out of the harbor at noon with the plan: Sail down wind to someplace nice. Results... a jib reach to Boothbay.

Averisera slid along at a nice clip with the jib trimmed to an outboard lead and a couple of reefs in the mainsail. Boothbay's Carousel Marina by 0700. Showers, walk around town, naps, lobster on the deck, bowling at Romar's, ice cream, bed. A superb 36 hours of sailing and cruising. Just what a sailing vacation should be. Harpswell Harbor on the 3rd, fireworks displays on a clear night. Stunning. Sailed around the sights in Casco Bay and tied up at DiMillo's as rain and squalls hit during the evening of the 4th.

Elizabeth will have to write about the rest of the trip...

Pictures to follow. Norm out.

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