October 2007 Archives
Mid-October: Motored Averisera from her summer berth in Charlestown to winter quarters, a few miles away, in Chelsea at Admiral's Hill Marina.
The riggers arrived with a crane on a truck, removed the rig and lay it on deck. The standing rigging is being replaced so it was removed and taken away. Averisera bowman, Wil, and Norm then motored the boat over to her winter slip for a winter in the water. We built a set of mast supports and a winter cover frame.
Next weekend, E and N winterized the boat systems and made her ready for a quiet hibernation.
Here are some more pics of our visit to Martha's Vineyard.
How many sailors does it take to carry a mainsail? This is the mainsail from Alabama, a schooner that takes folk out of Vineyard Haven for harbor tours, owned by Captain Bob and Charlene of "The Black Dog". That is Charlene, hiding her face while I take the pic. Norm is, of course, oblivious and happy. | |
Here is the Alabama, tied up at the end of the pier. For our visit, she was a hub of activity as the crew prepared her for the winter. | |
We had a ring-side seat, enabling us to watch all the activity and join in on conversations as we desired. We could also just put the kettle on and stay below and read. | |
This is the 2-story shed that houses the workshop of Benjamin and Gannon. My brother Rick, and Nat Benjamin went to school together in Pelham NY. I lurked around the outbuildings, wondering if I would see Nat and if I did, would I recognize him. Alas, I never did spot him. | |
Along the beach were strewn several beautiful wooden rowing prams. Two looked like they could be rowed or sailed. We saw a Bahama Sloop in a cradle, having its topsides sanded. |
October 2007:
The sailing part of cruising is fun. A good sail on a good boat is hard to beat. Likewise "people" side of cruising is fun. We talked at length with knowledgeable sailors. Some of the folks had yachts at the dock. Others were vacationers walking the docks to see the cruising boats and talk with cruisers. We took a bus to Chappy, near Edgartown, for birdwatching. The little ferry ride across Edgartown Harbor is the most amusing five minute boat ride.

Tom on Ayuthia tends flowers in planters at the dock. Bob and Charlene own the Black Dog and associated schooners. They are shown towing a son back from a mooring check. Charlene and Elizabeth got to talking about violins on boats... and horses... and dogs... and kids... pretty soon their men are wondering if we'll be making dinner for the ladies... A Canadian couple were preparing their boat for hauling and removing masts. E & N participated in the excercise. A bus ride opened up a new view of the island, residents, and tourists.
The sailing part of cruising is fun. A good sail on a good boat is hard to beat. Likewise "people" side of cruising is fun. We talked at length with knowledgeable sailors. Some of the folks had yachts at the dock. Others were vacationers walking the docks to see the cruising boats and talk with cruisers. We took a bus to Chappy, near Edgartown, for birdwatching. The little ferry ride across Edgartown Harbor is the most amusing five minute boat ride.
Tom on Ayuthia tends flowers in planters at the dock. Bob and Charlene own the Black Dog and associated schooners. They are shown towing a son back from a mooring check. Charlene and Elizabeth got to talking about violins on boats... and horses... and dogs... and kids... pretty soon their men are wondering if we'll be making dinner for the ladies... A Canadian couple were preparing their boat for hauling and removing masts. E & N participated in the excercise. A bus ride opened up a new view of the island, residents, and tourists.
October 11-15, 2007

Fill the alcohol tanks. Mama is excited about getting under way.

Reality: fog and strong winds. Averisera zipped along at six to seven knots with a double reefed main and our new 77% jib.
Special thanks to Francois for building us two new jibs: a 102% and a 77%. Our old sails, the ones we got with the boat are in tatters. Francois is the BSC sailmaker. He quickly built two new sails. What a difference they make to Averisera's performance.

Morning and afternoon of the second day. The tranist included a stumpy motor through the Canal and down Buzzard's Bay to Wing's Neck where we set sail and beat to Wood's Hole.
Our transit of that body of water was memorable. The current was fully against us and the wind fully behind us at 15 to 20 knots. Averisera made 4 to 5 knots over the ground through the channels. Both of us were nervous. Big standing waves. Bouys leaning over in the current. The main all the way out and close to "by the lee." The wild ride to VH was a relief. Alongside the dock making plans for a hot shower and laundry finished the day's adventure.
Fill the alcohol tanks. Mama is excited about getting under way.
Reality: fog and strong winds. Averisera zipped along at six to seven knots with a double reefed main and our new 77% jib.
Special thanks to Francois for building us two new jibs: a 102% and a 77%. Our old sails, the ones we got with the boat are in tatters. Francois is the BSC sailmaker. He quickly built two new sails. What a difference they make to Averisera's performance.
Morning and afternoon of the second day. The tranist included a stumpy motor through the Canal and down Buzzard's Bay to Wing's Neck where we set sail and beat to Wood's Hole.
Our transit of that body of water was memorable. The current was fully against us and the wind fully behind us at 15 to 20 knots. Averisera made 4 to 5 knots over the ground through the channels. Both of us were nervous. Big standing waves. Bouys leaning over in the current. The main all the way out and close to "by the lee." The wild ride to VH was a relief. Alongside the dock making plans for a hot shower and laundry finished the day's adventure.
October 4-8, 2007
Norm's "other boat" is a C&C 38, Melissa. She is the training boat used by Boston Sailing Center for Cruising and Coastal Passage Making Courses. She is also where Norman met Elizabeth in 2005.
The CPM cruise departed Boston on Thursday, went out around Cape Cod, through Pollock Rip Channel and into Vineyard Haven to tie up at the Black Dog Restaurant Dock. Most of the trip was in dense fog.
Saturday, Melissa sailed over to Fairhaven, MA and tied up at Pope's Island Marina. Elizabeth came down for dinner and brought her famous spaghetti and meatballs. The crew were very appreciative... to say the least.
A few days after returning to Boston, Averisera departed on a similar trip. Lots of sailing this year.
Norm's "other boat" is a C&C 38, Melissa. She is the training boat used by Boston Sailing Center for Cruising and Coastal Passage Making Courses. She is also where Norman met Elizabeth in 2005.
![]() | Melissa at Rockport's Motif Number One (taken earlier in the year) |
and a view from aloft taken in Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard. |
The CPM cruise departed Boston on Thursday, went out around Cape Cod, through Pollock Rip Channel and into Vineyard Haven to tie up at the Black Dog Restaurant Dock. Most of the trip was in dense fog.
Bruce in the fog on friday morning. | |
Schooner Alabama and more fog in Vineyard Haven Harbor on friday afternoon. |
Saturday, Melissa sailed over to Fairhaven, MA and tied up at Pope's Island Marina. Elizabeth came down for dinner and brought her famous spaghetti and meatballs. The crew were very appreciative... to say the least.
A few days after returning to Boston, Averisera departed on a similar trip. Lots of sailing this year.
September 29, 2007
AVERISRA finished third in class! Our division was a fifty-boat fleet divided into three classes. Overall, we finished 17th out of fifty and third out of the 19 boats in our class. Not bad for a first try at the pursuit race format.
The crew of Sam, Meg, Norm, and Wil, minus Elizabeth... the picture-taker.
The pursuit race format is different from the racing we usually do. The starts are staggered in such a way that all the boats should "theoretically" finish at the same time. All boats are given a starting time with the slower boats starting before the faster boats. The strategy is to catch the boats ahead and stay ahead of the boats that started behind.
After the race, sailors met ashore for dinner, awards, and tale-telling. Boston Sailing Center was well represented so the Averisera crew mingled with BSC friends and Wednesday Night racing friends. It was a fun time. The regatta was well run.
Two of our competitors, a Frers 33 "Eclipse" and a Tartan 40 "Aja", finishing astern of Averisera.
The day featured winds from zero to fifteen knots. We sailed all points of sail starting off Georges Island, going upwind through the Narrows, reaching past Lovell to Hypocrite Channel, out around the Brewsters, past Georges, around Rainsford, to the finish off Georges. The lght air in Hypocrite Channel was a challenge.
During the drift in Hypocrite Channel, Katrina, with Nelly and Vsily aboard, motored past and cheered us on. They were on their way to Florida for the winter.
We should have taken more pictures!
AVERISRA finished third in class! Our division was a fifty-boat fleet divided into three classes. Overall, we finished 17th out of fifty and third out of the 19 boats in our class. Not bad for a first try at the pursuit race format.
The pursuit race format is different from the racing we usually do. The starts are staggered in such a way that all the boats should "theoretically" finish at the same time. All boats are given a starting time with the slower boats starting before the faster boats. The strategy is to catch the boats ahead and stay ahead of the boats that started behind.
After the race, sailors met ashore for dinner, awards, and tale-telling. Boston Sailing Center was well represented so the Averisera crew mingled with BSC friends and Wednesday Night racing friends. It was a fun time. The regatta was well run.
Two of our competitors, a Frers 33 "Eclipse" and a Tartan 40 "Aja", finishing astern of Averisera.
The day featured winds from zero to fifteen knots. We sailed all points of sail starting off Georges Island, going upwind through the Narrows, reaching past Lovell to Hypocrite Channel, out around the Brewsters, past Georges, around Rainsford, to the finish off Georges. The lght air in Hypocrite Channel was a challenge.
During the drift in Hypocrite Channel, Katrina, with Nelly and Vsily aboard, motored past and cheered us on. They were on their way to Florida for the winter.
We should have taken more pictures!