January 2011 Archives

January 12th it snowed hard.  Maybe a foot of wet snow fell.  Of course, the next day was bright and sunny.  Went over to the boat for a look around.  The rigging of most sailboats was covered in frozen snow.  Some pictures from the marina.

Notice how the snow drifts up around the mast and sticks to the rigging.  
The VHF antenna at the mast head was completely covered in ice

A close up of the boat.  Ice on the rigging.  Ice froze a spring line to the hull.

Icy rigging!

Averisera and Emily both low on their lines under the weight of snow.  

Docks covered in snow, no foot prints.  

New Year's Day Race 2011

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Pictures from the 2011 edition of the Constitution Yacht Club's New Year Day Race.  The pictures say it all, no wind but fairly warm.  That said, our opportunity to sail with Howie Speicher, Christina Cove, and Gladie Austin was a treat.  "Sail" being a bit of a stretch.  "Drift" describes the event best.

Our fleet included Eagle, Slick, Averisera, the Landing School 30 from Boston Sailing Center and eight J24s also from BSC.  

Post race party at Max and Dylan's in Charlestown.  Bill Terrel brought his NewYear Day Class of floor boats.  Jan 2nd, Elizabeth and I returned Averisera from her overnight berth at BSC to Admiral's Hill Marina, winterized the engine, fitted the cover, and closed the boat for the winter.

NYD0.jpgDec 31, 2010:  scrubbed and ready to race.  View of Averisera at the Admiral's Hill Marina in Chelsea.

Norman rigging the headsail at Constitution Marina prior to the skipper's meeting at the marina's deck.

Eagle and Slick drifting around, waiting for a starting signal.

Landing School 30 from Boston Sailing Center being sailed by the Cone of Silence team.  Team Cone made it to the first mark, were declared winners, and we all went to Max and Dylan's.

Howie at the helm and Christina as trimmer.  Welcome Howie and Christina to Averisera.



Averisera at the BSC docks in the early morning of January 2.  Still warm and no wind.  There is not enough water at low water at the marina entrance for us.  After racing on January 1st, the tide was way, way out.  We tied up overnight at BSC.  Thanks.

All done, good night boat.

Race Committee by Boston Sailing Center.  Thanks Grant and Kim from BSC and Bill from CYC who is not visible behind Grant.

More to follow!

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