Cottage Park YC sponsors a fund raising regatta for the Make A Wish Foundation.
Averisera participated and finished first in fleet. The finish is, of course, satisfying. More satisfying is that the day was just the best day of sailing we had had in a long time. The crew of John, Tom, Elizabeth and Norm got the boat going fast in the right direction and sailed a no-major-mistakes race.
There were eighteen boats in two divisions, spinnaker and non-spinnaker. The fleet started near yellow nun E at the eat end of the Small Boat Channel, raced out to the green blinker off Graves Light and back. Light air nearly delayed the start. The breeze filled in at about three o'clock, building to about 15 knots from the SW.
Remarkably, we carried the kite for the first four of the six mile first leg and four of the first six miles of the second leg. Usually, we sail upwind in both directions around here.
Images of the crew, the way, way astern fleet, and the Tartan Ten, Tachy, a sloop similar in many ways to the Aphrodite 101.