Fall clean up has started. We have a chipper, Troy Built 4326CS (under tarp) that we use to chip or shred the dead fall, weeds, garden refuse, and such. We can run it for about 2 hours on a tank of gas but usually we run out of steam a bit before that. Norm feeds the big sticks into the shredder and Elizabeth loads the leaves and light stuff into the shredder hopper. We get a lot of nice mulch. The pile was twice the size of the remaining pile. The contraption near the chipper is there to keep the chips from getting to spread out. Later, we'll rake/shovel/wheel barrow the chips onto grounds that need mulching.

Speaking of mulch. We drove over to Jacknife Beach and got some sea grass for the garden beds. The sea grass decays into a rich nutrient that makes the next year's vegetables a little better. While at the beach, Elizabeth delighted in seeing two Willets.