February 2016 Archives

First coat of epoxy has been applied to the bare wood on strakes two and three. The fiberglassed area got a second coat. Below, E touches up a spot. THe Okume wood is very attractive and certainly encourages a varnish finish. We will paint the hull inside and out leaving the seating varnished. Or, that's the plan.

Lots of puttering, lost track of the days. Some of those days involved snow, lots of snow, and sub zero temperatures. Distractions. The big news is the fiberglass protective layer has been epoxied in place. It was easier than we expected.

Norm has an idea that the front view needs sprucing up. It has a charmingly rural look right now. Across the street, our neighbor has a manicured lawn that maybe looks better. I appreciate the work he does every time I look that way and we often do. I am thinking something not too manicured, rustic charm maybe? Here is the starting point in pictures.

Not a bad morning's work for a couple of 65 year olds! A good workout in just a few hours.

The project advances! The conversation is turning to things like hull color and where to sail.