Several fussy parts of the project completed today. The seats were filleted in position. Yesterday we "tack-glued" them into position. The fillets are a thick epoxy mixture that is very strong. It glues the seat panels into place very firmly. The fussy part is that Elizabeth has to do the work crouched over and tries to do the smoothing very delicately and precisely. It is slow tedious work.
Other completed tasks are fairing the foils, epoxying them with a final clear coat, assembling and tack-gluing the yoke to the rudder. Lots of sanding by hand and with the big belt sander.
Soon enough, we will be painting the interior and exterior. The paint and varnish is ordered and due in next week. Should be exciting to see the boat begin to look finished.
We are looking forward to sailing with friends out on Pleasant Bay in the Skerry, Zeppelin.