Some images from around Chatham and Harwich while Hurricane Jose was churning out in the Atlantic Ocean. Winds wee in the 26 to 30 knot range. Rain wasn't sufficient to start any flooding. Averisera is safely moored in Stage Harbor. Winds from the North make Stage a beautiful place to moor one's boat. It is lively with southerlies.

With Hurricane Jose, so begins the "off season" on the Cape, various weather patterns. Never a dull day. Never a bad day. Invigorating place to live and explore.

Wychmere Harbor, Harwichport, MA is a beautiful harbor opening into Nantucket Sound. It is also a hurricane hole. Notice how calm the surface is during very strong winds. Most boats are on private moorings. Averisera has a winter berth here.
Two views from Chatham Lighthouse parking lot. The rain and fog obscure the outer beach and inlet.
Stage Harbor from various angles. Boats are tugging at their moorings and appear to be riding safely.
Ryders Cove off the water leading from Pleasant Bay out to Chatham Inlet is packed with commercial fishing vessels. Another hurricane hole in this area.