October 2017 Archives

Norm: Captain's interview

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Norm is looking for ward to the Caribbean and sailing this winter. His former employer, Dave Franzel now of St Thomas Sailing Center, arranged an interview with Martin of Sound Sailing in Norwalk regarding the delivery of their Hanse 400 from Bermuda to St. Thomas. Wow... what a long sentence.

Her is the picture and write up Sound Sailing presented to members. 

Ocean Passage - Caribbean Update

Time to sign on for our Ocean Passage south 2017!  Our Hanse 400 will be Captained by Martinus van Breems from Norwalk to Bermuda.   

Say hello to our 2017 Hanse 400 skipper for the Bermuda to St Thomas leg. We recently interviewed Norm Martin and asked him, "Where are you from?" Norm's reply, "The Atlantic Ocean," made us smile. The answer isn't far off. Norm started cruising as a kid sailing from Cape Cod to the Bahamas and back, eventually settling and sailing in South Florida. Since those days Norm has a dozen long Atlantic passages to his credit plus a couple of Pacific passages. He worked as a skipper in the Caribbean charter and sailing school trade for many years. 

Norm on the Hanse 400 this week.
In addition to the ocean sailing, Norm spent almost twenty years as a Boston Sailing School instructor. He taught every course there, helped maintain the fleet, and was well liked by thousands of students. We think the time his background makes him well suited to meet Sound Sailing's requirements. 
Norm also owns an Aphrodite 101, Averisera, now located on Cape Cod. Norm and his wife, Elizabeth, have cruised and raced that boat extensively in New England waters. As a couple they have built and refurbished several yachts and small boats. 

Norm maintains a blog, www.averisera.com.

OOD 34: An interesting boat

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Elizabeth and Norm went to look at a Doug Peterson design from the late 1970s. Eighty boats were built by Jeremy Rodgers in England between 1978 and 1981. Beautiful design and execution. Following are some of the snaps we took. Will she replace Averisera? More interior space, faster rating, and headroom.

OOD 34 is shorthand for Offshore One Design 34

Somehow... we forgot to take pictures of the deck which is in good condition.

First, thanks to Kimberly at NV Charts for her helping me order some charts. Averisera is still a paper-chart boat and NV makes nice charts. Now I have a complete Caribbean set. Hmmm...

Recently, I took some pictures of the boat's interior. We haven't much room, as shown. It is OK when we are sailing but tight when we are at rest. Elizabeth made the backrests and pillows. The big issue with a small boat is keeping clutter under control. 

We put our ice box behind the steps in front of the engine access door. The port-side berth is installed for an overnighting grandchild. It happens!
Foew peak is tiny. Room for sail and our personal gear when cruising.

Cape Cod in October

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Sunday, October 1st was a stunning day. We motored out to the beach mooring area and went for a row in the Nutshell Pram. Found our way into Snake River between Stage Island and Morris Island parts of Chatham, MA. Bird watching. Above is the view from the cockpit of the beach.

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