November 2018 Archives

Winter Season... again

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Back on her jackstands awaiting Spring.

Another Sailboat Ride

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Norm made another delivery from Newport RI to Tortola, BVI this Fall. This time aboard a Beneteau 43. The trip was uneventful in most ways. The wind was not too strong and only from the wrong direction for a few days. The crew were darn nice guys. 

It would have been much wetter aboard Averisera and the actual sailing would have been way more fun. However, Averisera was not going South and the Beneteau was! So... we sailed the big boat.

Some pictures and a few words about each: 2018 delivery

I was able to sail the boat for a few days before the delivery and the pictures are from a quiet anchorage in Sakonnet River. The pre-deliver experience was helpful at learning the boat.

The Beneteau specs are here:

Alongside us were two boats well suited for ocean voyaging, a Swan 48 and another similar size boat of a type I do not know. The Beneteau is a lot wider and I think not as speedy.

Departure day, October 29 at about 4PM. Newport astern and Pt Judith and the Atlantic ahead. We arrived in St George's Bermuda on Saturday the 3rd. Out on the 4th by noon.

A small double ended dinghy, similar to our skerry, sails in St Georges Harbour. It had me thinking about our grands and the boat we built for them. An early morning picture of the Beneteau at rest in the transient docks. By the way, customs and immigration in Bermuda are first class. 

We did our laundry, had dinner at the White Horse Tavern and left the next day for the fuel dock and departed Bermuda.  Years ago, 1971, Norm was in St Georges for a six week refit of the boat on which he worked. The Tavern was frequented.  Fun to be back after so many years. Yes, it is completely different. 

Crew Leandroe. Nicknamed "Autopilot."

Crew Don. An accomplished seaman and navigator.

Crew, Evan... fussing with a recalcitrant circuit.

Aside from some lumpy seas the first few days, things were pretty quiet offshore.

And then we got to our berth at Village Cay Marina in Road Town, BVI. One tavern to another.

Awoke and had a look around. This is an unusual sight to see at the marina docks. Someone planned an early departure or sail-check or something. An odd sight, none the less.

OK.... we tried out the new Willie T now in Great Bay, Peter Island.

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