This would be a good time for a Christmas Letter. But... we'll put up some pictures of the Cape at this time of year. In the run-up to the holiday, things are pretty quiet and there is no snow. For the story of 2018, scroll and scroll.
This the view from the scenic overlook on Route 28 overlooking Wychmere Harbor. No snow!
Sesuit Harbor images. Norm is looking at boats. Elizabeth is looking for winter ducks. The view off to the East along the North side of the Cape is desolate. Probably not much changed over the centuries.
Yesterday, 20 Dec, was a stunning day and I got over to see the boat and snap this picture of her all shrinkwrapped. A day later we are looking at rain. Tomorrow, it may be sunny. New England weather.
Days like this make us want to launch one of our rowing boats and head out for a look around.
Chatham Fish Pier looking North
Chatham Fish Pier looking South
Low tide at Outermost Harbor Marina. Last year the channel was visible at low water all the way out to Fool's Cut (created on April 1st). Filling in a bit.
tags: Chatham 12-15-18