Results matching “Aphrodite 101”

Averisera, For Sale!

Averisera by McCann08.jpgWe are listing the yacht for sale.  Just can't organize the time to use her.  I must say that Averisera was a great ride and everyone who sailed with us was an important part of the adventure.  Thanks.

Check the sales information at  More information about the Aphrodite is shown at and  A search of images for the class yields some nice pictures, Averisera is in there, too.  

Somebody... buy the boat!

Rambler 88 and Modern Design

On December 21st, the last day of Fall, a bunch of us were delivering the Gemini 105c, Felix, to Newport from Marion. Rambler 88 was out on sea trials in Newport Harbor.  I captured a couple of quick pictures on my iPhone.  I think she is pretty and looks fun to sail.  I read that she is a new design from Juan K.  Later in the day, we viewed R100 on the hard at Portsmouth.  I will be looking for a Rambler at winter races, maybe in the Caribbean for the "600" starting in February.  Roll on Rambler!

Design is a moving target.  Sometimes it is shape and sometimes materials.  Most of the time these days it is both.  American designers, years and years ago, preferred the wide shallow hulls to the English narrow deep ones.  Now we have wide hulls with very deep drafts and the boats really scoot.  A lot of the reason for speed is materials and computerized engineering.  Averisera was a quick and radical design in her day, the late 1970s.  Bob Perry wrote that she was an ultra-light when introduced, narrow and light.  The Aphrodite 101 was followed by the Olson 30 design which was even faster, narrow and light.  I think it was Tom Wylie who got the wide and light with water ballast movement going with his first Mini Trans-At 6.50.  

Any way one looks at it, R88 is the newest boat in a long list of developments in yacht design.  Fun thing to see her ghost by.  It will be fun to follow R88.


Offshore Safety

One of the few drawbacks to our Aphrodite 101, Averisera, is the low main hatchway.  If we swamp, a lot of water can make its way quickly into the interior.  Our hatchboards are fine for near coastal work.  We have stress-tested the boat's ability to swamp and recover and find ourselves satisfied... in a general way.  Bascally, Averisera is hard to lay over on her side and swamp.  A wave breaking over the side is another matter.  With low freeboard, a boarding wave is very likely.  That is the problem to solve.

The cockpit must be improved in a few ways.  One is to improve the height of the "bridge deck" or entrance sill.  Another is to add cockpit drains.  The engine hatch in the cockpit floor is a whole other matter.

Here we are at the end of October  2014 and I measured for a hatchway revision.  I think a securely fastened and caulked plexiglass slider will do the job.  The height is not too much inconvenience.

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Haulout, Fall 2014

Harwich Port Boat Yard and Nauset Marine teamed up to get the boat out of the water and into a storage lot off Queen Anne Road about a mile from our house.  The work plan is to strip the bottom paint and consider CopperCoat epoxy antifouling and remove the ugly mouse fur flocking on the interior headliner.

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The prop is always a problem since we don't typically motor very far or often.  This season, I tried Pettit 1792 prop coating.  It worked pretty well while the boat was in use during the regular season.  I scrubbed the prop whenI scrubbed the bottom.  The last four weeks of the season saw no use at all and growth appeared.  It came off quickly with pressure washer spray.  I will use it again.

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Ugle mouse fur flocking.  We call it mouse fur, don't know its real name.

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Tax Day Storm 2014

On this day, in 2007, Elizabeth and I (Norm) finally got under way from Stratford CT to our new boat-home in Boston, MA.  That year featured a tremendous storm that covered the US East Coast with flooding rain and destructive winds.  It was referred to as the Tax Day Storm 2007.  Today is similar weather although the boat circumstances are very different.  This year, Averisera is on the hard, awaiting launching.  We are at rest in our home in Medford  waiting to close on the sale of this house before moving to a new home in Harwich, MA.

A picture of the boat alongside the pontoon at Housatonic Boat Club in Stratford CT.  It was flat calm, the calm before the storm.  So began a wonderful adventure.  

Today, I went over to see her.  Averisera is hauled out at the Boston Sailing Center Boat Yard in East Boston, MA.  Alongside is a Soling class keel boat.  The Soling is the base design for the Aphrodite 101 of which ours is hull number 264.  The story is that Paul Elvstrom wanted a Soling-like boat for ocean racing around Denmark and commissioned the Aphrodite design. We are launching on May 1 and planning to sail to our new mooring May 8.  

In other news: Our friends, Bill and Maura from Constitution YC and Boston Sailing Center have a summer house in nearby Chatham, MA.  We hope to see them with their boat down in Nantucket Sound.  They have a Cal 33-2, Tupelo Honey.  This is a picture of both boats taken by Tim Shea in 2011, I believe.  Thanks, Tim.  Our boats are the same length and have similar PHRF handicaps.  They have hot and cold running water and standing headroom.  We don't.

 Last bit of news:  We have more time than ever before to sail.  Nantucket Sound, here we come.

Single and Double Handed Circuit

  1. Edlu, May 10, Larchmont
  2. Block Island Race, May 24 Storm Trysail Club
  3. Double-Handed Regatta, Early June, Stamford YC
  4. June Moon Chase Race, June 28, Constitution YC
  5. Offshore 160, July 11, Newport YC 
  6. Monhegan Race, July 11, Portland YC 
  7. Beringer Bowl, July 16, Boston YC
  8. New England Solo Twin, July 25, Newport YC 
  9. Gulf of Maine Solo Twin, July 25, Rockland YC 
  10. Around The Island Race, July 25, Edgartown YC 
  11. Lobster DH Regatta, August 16, Kittery Point YC 
  12. Single-Handed Regatta, September 6, Kittery Point YC 
  13. Maine Rock Race, September 12, Rockland YC 
  14. Greenport Ocean Race, October 4, Chinese YC and Old Cove YC 
  15. Gearbuster, October 11, Indian Harbor YC 
There are some mutually exclusive events: Monhegan and Offshore 160 as well as the Martha's Vineyard Around the Island Race, the Gulf of Maine Solo Twin and the New England Solo Twin.  Averisera is considering Martha's Vineyard since two other Aphrodite 101s are coming out to play. Three boats make a class!

Could be a busy summer trying to get in the full slate of events.  

I think the links and dates are all good.  Some sites don't have official postings for the race days so I made a best guess. 
This doesn't show up often because folks with Aphrodite's keep them... well, that's my very prejudiced opinion.  Sonic Boom is for sale in Canada.  I would love to see another down this way.  No financial interest.  Just want another Aphrodite to duel with in New England waters.

Meanwhile, Averisera is hauled out in East Boston and under cover.  Elizabeth and Norm are digging in to an OUPV course.  Norm is teaching most of the classes and Elizabeth is taking notes and tests.  I think she's going to ace the final!

Summer plans?  Maybe try to do a majority of the races in the short handed circuit.  A busy boat could get in a dozen such regattas in 2014.  Schedule to follow.

It all started when?

It all started for us in August 2005 right around the time grandson Luke was born.  The Averisera part started in 2007.  A couple of pictures from the early days.  As the song says, "we're older and so much wiser now... those were the days..."

May 2008 at the Boston Sailing Center docks for open house for which we used Averisera.  Many other years we are skipper and crew on a BSC cruising boat, which is a lot easier on us and our boat.

Elizabeth grinning as we attempted to make it over the bar guarding Sesuit Harbor on Cape Cod.  We didn't on that attempt.  An hour later, we slid over sweetly.  

Norm grinning while doing the dishes in Sesuit Harbor.  It may have been his birthday.

Elizabeth making ready to head out on one cold and windy reach to the Cape Cod Canal in October 2008.  It was a great sail with driving rain, thunder and lightning, cold, and a welcome entrance into the Canal at daybreak.  Early morning transits of the Canal are a birdwatchers dream.  Elizabeth is a birdwatcher and the transit made up for the sail down from Boston.

The next morning alongside at the Black Dog Wharf.  Our favorite place to hang out off season.  Notice how Averisera lists and sits low in the water.  Cruising mode.

Melissa, our starter boat
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Melissa, the boat that started us on our road to sailing together.  The yacht belongs to Boston Sailing Center where Norm was an instructor and a licensed captain.  She is a C&C 38 Mark 3.  We love the boat and considered buying a sistership instead of an Aphrodite 101, more room for living aboard.  Maybe when we go cruising forever?  One small problem with the C&C 38 is her stern shape.  It slams the water in any kind of chop.  She has, on the other hand, a commodious interior and cockpit.  Melissa's galley has served many happy meals to many happy sailors.

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Averisera in a raft at Menemsha Harbor, Martha's Vineyard.  We are alongside a 30 O'Day and a 34 Pearson.  At 33 feet we are still the smallest boat in the raft.  We are also the fastest and most seagoing.  We love our boat!

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Plan Ahead?

Updated March 18, 2012
First off:  one of my favorite pictures compliments of our Boston Sailing Center friend, Mark McGann.  It is a few years old but still a special picture.  Averisera is an Aphrodite 101.

AVERISERA July08 by McGann (2).jpg

What's the plan for 2012?  Do we go out and repeat the Mass Bay Pursuit Challenge?  Maybe finish first and get a battle flag?  The dates and events for 2012 are:

Or, shall we go back to the distance race plan.  The one where Elizabeth and I (Norm's writing) cruise to and from various destinations and race double-handed?  The dates and events are (aproximately):

Not to mention the Wednesday evening series run by Constitution Yacht Club on Boston's Inner Harbor from May 16 through September 12.

More to follow!

Cottage Park YC sponsors a fund raising regatta for the Make A Wish Foundation.  Averisera participated and finished first in fleet.  The finish is, of course, satisfying.  More satisfying is that the day was just the best day of sailing we had had in a long time.  The crew of John, Tom, Elizabeth and Norm got the boat going fast in the right direction and sailed a no-major-mistakes race.

There were eighteen boats in two divisions, spinnaker and non-spinnaker.  The fleet started near yellow nun E at the eat end of the Small Boat Channel, raced out to the green blinker off Graves Light and back.  Light air nearly delayed the start.  The breeze filled in at about three o'clock, building to about 15 knots from the SW.

Remarkably, we carried the kite for the first four of the six mile first leg and four of the first six miles of the second leg.  Usually, we sail upwind in both directions around here.

Images of the crew, the way, way astern fleet, and the Tartan Ten, Tachy, a sloop similar in many ways to the Aphrodite 101.

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