Results matching “Aphrodite 101”

Elixir of Edmonds WA

We have acquaintances, via email, with an Aphrodite 101, ELIXIR, out in the Edmonds/Seattle area.  Megan sent a picture taken by Julia Wiese of the boat showing off a square-head mainsail.

Elixir cyce summer 040120.jpg

Photo credit is Julia Wiese from the Seattle area.
I found some more of her work here:

 Elixir has a few other upgrades in a new mast with two spreaders.  Something tells me it might be carbon.  Megan keeps a journal of sorts with email and we read about the adventures of Elixir.

Thanks Megan.

Thanks Julia.

Sailing in May

Every once in a while, I get to sail with my daughter, Laura.  The first weekend in May marked my first sail in 2020.  Laura captured an image of the event.  Here it is paired with a picture from one of our last sails of 2013 which was on Boston Harbor aboard Averisera

Laura has an O'Day 240 from 1989 she named LARK.  I love the name.  We are sailing off Stamford CT on our way to Westport and Cedar Point YC.  Luke (her son, my grandson) was along, probably hanging out on the foredeck loving the day.  It was so peaceful.

Dad and Laura, aren't they cute!  The boat is our Aphrodite 101, Averisera.  A couple of days later, Laura sent me this picture of her son, Luke, sailing her boat, LARK.  Luke got the boat over on its ear, so to speak, and has a big grin from that.  Boys and boats!


This blog is full of details about our boat.  Laura's boat details can be found in  From there:

Probably an image from an old O'Day brochure.

Brochure drawings.

For Sale...!

19Nov2019:  We are going to keep Averisera.

We love our boat and really wish we could manage a cruiser with headroom and Averisera.  Just don't think so.  Maybe if we didn't have a big garden and Mama would never allow that.  (Not so certain Norm would either)

So, we are looking for a sailor who has $15,000 for a nicely tricked out Aphrodite 101.  Collected below are some boat pics.  As for equipment.  Cruising stuff and racing stuff.  It all goes!

From our first year, 2007, showing the old Diamond main and 1/2 oz kite which blew out moments later when a squall hit.

We have made Averisera comfy for cruising.  We used to cruise to an away double-handed race, race, and then cruise home.  One year we weathered Hurricane Danny in Fox Island Thorofare in Maine which cancelled the DH 100nm Maine Rocks Race.  We went back a few years later and placed first.

Rebuilt engine going back into place a few years ago.  Thumper runs well.

2Jibs.jpgThe dacrom 102% jib atop the black 102% jib.  Both from Doug Pope in Rockland Maine.  The black sail has battens and is very powerful.  The PHRF committee did not change our rating.

DSC00057.JPGNew mainsail from Doug Pope.  It has only been up a few times as we use the dacron main most often for day sailing.

New canvass is being made now.

Launch day, June 25, 2019

Next question... what to buy?  we looked at a Tartan 37 which mama says is too big.  (you can see where this is going...)  I'd like to have a look at  Sabre 34 especially if it has a keel/centerboard configuration.The Cape is just so shallow and we may get to cruise the Bahamas where the water is thin, too.  Maybe a catamaran?

Staye tuned and send suggestions to me at nhmartin at outlook dot com

Other Aphrodite 101s

We have some pics from an A 101, Elixir of Seattle, sailing.  Another thing about living out there is year round sailing.  Here on Cape Cod, we are not so lucky.  In fact, we hear forecasts of snow inland.

OK Seattle folks, Mt Baker has snow year round but that's not the same thing.  In addition to the Elixir guys being out sailing, I then got word of the 101, Blue Max, being out under sail.  More on that later.  We are comparing notes about main sheet travellers.  They do a lot of DH so we'll be talking that, too.  Aphrodite 101s rock.

2019 SYC Vashon Island Race-May 11, 2019-6631.jpg
Elixir in the passing lane

Elixir, on the far left, is in the process of passing... yeah, I said that correctly, passing... a couple of J109s.  It helps to be in the right place on the course.  The boat is owned by Megan and Jarred with Megan driving, I think.  (corrections may follow)  Megan had a comment that the new kite is so crinkly the crew can't hear what's being said as the sail comes into the hatch.  Woo hoo!

We also got a few enticing pics of evenings on the waters around Seattle.


So Honey.  Here's my idea: get a double axle trailer and rent a truck, sell the house, drive Averisera out west to spend her senior years with the other Aphrodite 101s and sail year round.

New Boat?

Allied, Tartan, Cal...?
The Plan, in brief, is to find a boat with headroom and living quarters that sails fairly well, is shallow draft (under 5 feet) and can be enjoyed by our extended family of children and grandchildren who sail. Other considerations are length and price. We have a mooring that will accomodate a 37 footer at most and we need the boat to be inexpensive. Norm wants to keep Averisera and has a plan for that which is a big secret. The new boat would occupy Averisera's mooring in Stage Harbor.

Jan 14: Mama and I went to look at two Allied Seabreeze 35s. One is in Yarmouth Port, near us, and the other is in Rockland, Maine, about 5 hours away. We had a look at the nearby boat which is yawl rigged. The drive to Maine was a nice three day diversion from Cape life. The Maine boat is a sloop. Both boats looked solid and unloved. Lots of renovation time and money required.

Above: Allied Seabreeze 35 view from astern showing her full bodied hull and 4 feet draft.

Below: By comparison, our Aphrodite 101, deep and narrow.

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AVERISERA July08 by McGann.jpg
Squat versus svelte.  Deep keel and slack bilges, be still my beating heart.

Fact is that we love Averisera but she is too deep draft for the Cape area and too small below for cruising with family. We love svelte but may have settle for not-svelte. Looking at the choices.

So... a couple days later. Norm went over to Marion MA to meet with John from Lawson Yachts and they looked at a 1969 Tartan/Blackwatch 37, hull 22, designed by Ted Hood. A day later, Norm and Elizabeth met John at the Hood for a first look for Elizabeth and a second for Norm. The boat is not tired or unloved. It is absolutely stunning. Move aboard and sail away. No renovation money required beyond normal spring commissioning.

Some pictures in no particular order.

Very refined shape for a full keel hull.

Some old guy tried to sit in Elizabeth's preferred seat. Visualize knitting and a cuppa.

The next day, Elizabeth, no knitting and no cuppa. Too tight.

Transom berth in the pulled out position. we removed a drawer and looked behind the seat back to find the entire upper berth is removable by undoing a couple of bolts at each end. This means the upper can be either made narrower or deleted so the lower settee can be widened.

Same old guy slouching on extended transom berth.

Beautiful joinery

Instruments backs are behind a nice bit of cabinetry. Replace the mirrors, of course.

Old fashioned electrical panel. Behind is the wet locker with room for four sets of gear and boots! How about that? 

A hand hold runs the full length of the cabin at a convenient level. It also serves to redirect any drips from the ports away from the berths. Very seaman-like feature.

No rock dings!

Owned by the same family since new. Indoor storage for many years.

So kids: If you love Averisera so much how about her near sister the Bianca 111? (PHRF 93!!)

Jan 23, Norm went to Mattapoisett to check out a Cal 34 built in 1977. It is right with regards to length for our mooring, size of sails/rigging, and draft of 5 feet. Nice boat, very simple. The price is right but... don't you hate the "but" statement?  But... the gelcoat is in poor condition. Interestingly, the stanchion bases show no crazing and below there is only one place showing weeping. The boat seems really solid and may be worthy of a full refit.

20190123_122421.jpgTypical Cal-design, flat bottom, 1960s era longish fin keel and spade rudder. Shows hull form for a lot of room below decks. 

This is the pose: can Elizabeth sit comfortably on the settee and knit? This one is pretty comfy with sloped backs and wide seat.
The all important had rails below. Not too high. These are reachable.

Settee backs lift to provide generous berth width or stowage. The nav table has drawers under and lifting top. The quarter berth is generous and has an outboard bin for personal gear. Nicely thought out family boat.

Rodney Bay, St Lucia

A long time ago, 1970 and 1971, Norm was mate on a schooner, So Fong, as it cruised and chartered the Eastern Caribbean. We visited the bay on St Lucia near Pigeon Island. It was completely desolate and So Fong was the only vessel in sight. It was said that a resort was planned for the bay area. In March and April of 2018, I saw it for the first time since my So Fong days.

Some So Fong stories here:,com_joomgallery/func,detail/id,875/Itemid,55/lang,en/#joomimg

Curiously, in 2005, aboard the Frers 45, Rumor, (ex-Evergreen, US7400) I sailed with a fellow who had sailed the schooner away from Viet Nam. 

A digression... It was something special to sail into the place about which I had first learned in 1971. Now, Rodney Bay Marina and Shipyard is a thriving place and economic center for the North end of the island.

This Spring; We sailed from Tortola to Rodney Bay aboard a Voyage 440, Twalzan, with the owner and one other crewmember. The trip featured mostly light air and a lot of motorsaliing to windward. The trip is about 350 nm and took about 60 hours.

Twalzan in her berth at Rodney Bay Marina. It is a beautiful facility and well staffed. Twalzan has some YouTube video of her delivery from St Augustine to Tortola in the Fall of 2017. Look up Twalzan Full Story.

On a road trip by rental car, we visited Marigot Harbour where, among other things, the Dr Doolittle movie was filmed. I was there in 1971 when it was sparse. We tied So Fong to a short pier next to another schooner who's name I forget. She was owned by the Beudreau family, I think.

The famous Pitons of St Lucia and the town of Soufriere which we visited.

Lush rain forest along path leading to Diamond Falls.

Norm at Diamond Falls.

Looking out towards the entrance to the marina harbor from the mall at Rodney Bay Marina. The area is fairly well developed in that typical American and European goods and services are available in quantity. The old fashioned West Indian flavor is gone, on the other hand.

Finally, I met a sailor from France who races against an Aphrodite 101 named Vert Gallant. I follow that boat on line as it is successful on the race course. I am always looking for tips from other Aphrodite 101 stories and pictures.

St Lucia, nice place.

Norm: Captain's interview

Norm is looking for ward to the Caribbean and sailing this winter. His former employer, Dave Franzel now of St Thomas Sailing Center, arranged an interview with Martin of Sound Sailing in Norwalk regarding the delivery of their Hanse 400 from Bermuda to St. Thomas. Wow... what a long sentence.

Her is the picture and write up Sound Sailing presented to members. 

Ocean Passage - Caribbean Update

Time to sign on for our Ocean Passage south 2017!  Our Hanse 400 will be Captained by Martinus van Breems from Norwalk to Bermuda.   

Say hello to our 2017 Hanse 400 skipper for the Bermuda to St Thomas leg. We recently interviewed Norm Martin and asked him, "Where are you from?" Norm's reply, "The Atlantic Ocean," made us smile. The answer isn't far off. Norm started cruising as a kid sailing from Cape Cod to the Bahamas and back, eventually settling and sailing in South Florida. Since those days Norm has a dozen long Atlantic passages to his credit plus a couple of Pacific passages. He worked as a skipper in the Caribbean charter and sailing school trade for many years. 

Norm on the Hanse 400 this week.
In addition to the ocean sailing, Norm spent almost twenty years as a Boston Sailing School instructor. He taught every course there, helped maintain the fleet, and was well liked by thousands of students. We think the time his background makes him well suited to meet Sound Sailing's requirements. 
Norm also owns an Aphrodite 101, Averisera, now located on Cape Cod. Norm and his wife, Elizabeth, have cruised and raced that boat extensively in New England waters. As a couple they have built and refurbished several yachts and small boats. 

Norm maintains a blog,

Friends Jarred and Megan are sharing some pictures and stories of their new-to-them Aphrodite 101, Elixir.  We have not met them but have communicated in a very close way and we thank them for it.

Some pictures of Elixir of Seattle:
elixir yard 2016 day 3.jpg
Jarred's Dodge 250 trumps my Ford Ranger badged as a Mazda 2300.  No matter, trucks are fun.  Out here on Cape Cod, I am always pleased to see the other truck guys give Elizabeth a little respect when she drives our pickup.  Our truck is the most useful tool in the shop.

So.  Whats to removing a teak deck?  A lot of work?  Teak is beautiful until it is ugly and then, it is Ugly.  Good job kids!

Deck ready for refinishing with....?  Check back later.

Aphrodite's such as Averisera don't have much teak work on deck so I don't mind lavishing a bit of love on mine.  We are trying out a varnish from Jamestown Distributors in Rhode Island.  I can recoat every hour or so up to four coats... without sanding.  We will let you know.

Another Aphrodite!

Recently, we heard from a couple in Seattle who just purchased Aphrodite 101 US 29.  It is always good to hear from another Aphrodite owner.  We got a picture and permission to show it.  
Thanks Jarred and Megan.

elixir 043916 transit to edmonds.jpg

The delivery home by the new owners.  Norm and Elizabeth had a rougher ride with Averisera in April of 2007.  Aphrodite 101s deliver great rides in the best or worst conditions.  Welcome.
After a break because of cold weather, we are back at it.  Glued the rudder together and have now finished the filleting.  It looks very strong.  The other day, it was a nice warm day.  We moved the skerry from the garage to the front lawn where it warmed nicely.  Elizabeth climbed underneath with her filleting slurry and filleted the undersides of the thwarts/seats.  Norm cleaned the garage, fussed with touchups on the Nutshell, and got the spars ready for tapering the remaining spar.  We are ready to sand the spars and varnish them shortly.

In other exciting news: the new owners of Aphrodite 101 US 29, Elixir of Seattle contacted us about their sailing and renovation plans.  Back in aught six we first saw an Aphrodite 101, Kestrel, in Bellingham and fell in love with the type.  We came home to Boston, found one for sale in Connecticut and made her ours in aught seven.  No regrets!
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