Recently in Marina Del Rey Category

Marina Del Rey

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Spring is coming. Shovels down. Kites up.

Norm made a trip to Marina Del Rey in the Los Angeles area of California. Interesting place. Six thousand boats in one marina park/city/sailing center. The trip was related to the American Sailing Association's Instructor Evaluator Summit.  

Norm is an ASA Instructor Evaluator.  Within the past four months he ran two ASA Instructor Qualification Clinics in Nanny Cay, Tortola using the facilities and boats operated by Rob Swain Sailing School.

A view of a small part of the Marina
The Marina Del Rey Hotel as viewed from the YC

The ASA conference was OK.  Had a lot of interesting conversations with senior sailing instructors from all over the USA.  Some real offshore guys mixed in with the inland lake set.  Memo:  don't mess with the Great Lakes!  

The ASA Affiliate in Japan was there.  Yoh Aoki showed some slides from his record setting cruise around the world aboard a 21 footer of his own build.

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